Core Services
- Establishment and cultivation of organoids
- Biobanking
- Project planning, biostatistics, troubleshooting
- Training
Additional services
(specific collaboration projects)
- Drug screening
- NGS/bioinformatic analysis
Organoid Biobank
Tumor organoids have been recognized as useful models for preclinical research. The biobank for human organoids enables FCI scientists to gain access to standardized protocols for cultivation of human organoids as well as to primary cell models to address their individual research questions.
Patient-derived tumor organoids (PDTOs) be generated from tissue samples after receiving informed consent. The technology is based on the expansion of primary cells under defined culturing conditions. Efficient protocols have been described for different types of cancer, such as colorectal, pancreatic and stomach cancer. PDTO biobanks recapitulate the molecular and phenotypic properties of the original tumor tissue. At the Georg-Speyer-Haus, we have established a biobank for colorectal cancer PDTOs from clinical samples from more than 250 patients at UCT Frankfurt. Molecular and histopathological analyses show a high degree of similarity to the original tumor tissue. Infrastructures for functional characterization have been established, including a platform for drug testing on PDTOs. As part of the FCI, the Organoid Biobank is open to translational projects, and supports FCI researchers in developing their own PDTO models for different tumor entities. Existing models include tumors from ovarian cancer, brain metastases and head and neck tumors.
Service available to – all entities, including for-profit organizations.
Priority service for – no distinctions.
(specific collaboration projects)
The Organoid Biobank is led by Henner Farin group leader at the Georg-Speyer-Haus.
Tel: + 49-(0)69-63395-520
Szilvia Baron is the Staff Scientist.
Tel: + 49-(0)69-63395-520
Tel: + 49-(0)69-63395-523
Please contact us for your future experiments.
Institut für Tumorbiologie und experimentelle Therapie
Henner Farin
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 42-44
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Henner Farin
Szilvia Baron
Staff Scientist
Betriebsordnung der FCI Organoid Biobank
(Operating Rules*)
Projektanfrageformular (Project application form)
* In German, please inquire if you need assistance
The FCI Organoid Biobank platform is supported by:
The EUbOPEN project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 875510. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, EFPIA companies and Associated Partners: KTH, OICR, Diamond and McGill. This communication reflects the views of the authors and neither IMI nor the European Union, EFPIA or any Associated Partners are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.